7 Pillars of Health

En Sync with Nature photo at Morrison Valley in Oakville

#1 - Being In Sync With Nature

First one of the 7 healthy lifestyle needs is being in sync with nature.

I feel very fortunate to have nature trails close to me so I don’t have to drive far or get out of the city to get to nature. I don’t fully utilize the trails though but do make an attempt to do a walk in nature once to two times a week at minimum.

Are there parks close to you? Are you close to a lake or the ocean or a stream? Do you have a garden, even if it’s a small one? They are all good places for us to go and spend some time alone by ourselves. 

Being in sync with nature means to slow down and smell the roses. 🌹 There is no need to rush. It is not a chore or a race. Just enjoy that time and breathe. You will find that it will bring you more peace and tranquility.

How about you? Do you try to spend time in nature at least once a week?

Nutrient dense foods

#2 - Nutrient Richness

How nutrient dense is the food that you consume? Another one of the 7 healthy lifestyle needs is nutrient richness.

Do you know how much protein, carbohydrates, and fats your body needs? We are all of different sizes and shapes, as well as different activity levels. Some of us are more sedentary while others are more active. Our requirements are all individual. One size does not fit all.

The micronutrients we consume are also important. Like a car, not only do we need fuel, we need small things like the washer fluid, engine oil, and air in the tires to ensure our car can run smoothly. Without them, the car will still run but it will break down very soon.

Most, if not all, of us know that whole foods are the best sources for our body to get what it needs. Highly processed foods are not only depleted of nutrients, they are also calorie dense and may be laden of unhealthy fats/oils and added sugar.

Non-starchy vegetables, dark greens, fatty fish, whole fruits, nuts & seeds, quality protein, and healthy fats are all dense in nutrients and great places to start.

Internal & external sleep environments

#3 - Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is another one of the 7 healthy lifestyle needs, which is probably not a surprise to anyone. Having great sleep has many health benefits, such as for better cognitive function, proper repair in the body, and emotional balance to name a few.

People are always asking me how many hours of sleep we need exactly.

The answer is everyone’s need is different. But there are ways to improve your sleep.

Do you have the external sleep environment set up properly with minimal light, low temperature, and as little sound as possible?

Your internal environment is also important. Waiting 2-3 hours after your last food intake before going to bed, use non-sleep deep rest tools as part of your nightly routine, and avoiding alcohol can all help you to get a better night of sleep.

So the question is not so much how many hours of sleep you need but more how you can improve your sleep quality.

frequent physical movements

#4 - Frequent Physical Movement

Frequent physical movement is next on the 7 healthy lifestyle needs list.

The key word is FREQUENT. It is especially pertinent for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as more and more of us have returned to an office setting.

Taking a break every hour in between sitting in front of the computer or meetings is important.

Doing movements, like what I did here with burpees, or push ups, or jumping jacks, or shaking our body, or anything you can think of to get up and move around and increase our heart rate for 1-2 mins will be beneficial to our body and our mental alertness by bringing more oxygen to the systems in our body.

Our leg houses the glutes, lats, and quads which are the largest muscles in the human body.

The moment we sit down our metabolism slows and affects our ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, and metabolize fat, and in turn may cause weaker muscles and bones.

I make a point of going for 20 minute walks 2 to 3 times a day or walk & talk for some of my meetings. It depends on what my day’s schedule ends up like.

Nancy Yang Timmins-meditation

#5 - Inner Stillness

What is Inner Stillness?

It’s the state we create when we are resilient, when we know how to respond skilfully to stress, and when we reduce the exposure to the sources of stress.

One of the tools that I use daily to help create that state is meditation. It is a mindfulness practice that helps with stress reduction.

Taking a minute or 2 to breathe deeply and be present in your body can also help.

Avoiding stimulant, having social support, practicing gratitude, removing added/processed sugars, and more are all great for creating inner stillness.

purpose in life

#6 - Having a Sense of Purpose

Having a sense of purpose is also on the 7 healthy lifestyle needs list.

Why? People who have a sense of purpose take care of themselves more.

Having a sense of purpose does not mean something grand or that you have to have a big epiphany in life. It is about doing and experiencing things that are meaningful to us.

I was sitting in my garden to do work and noticed all the bumble bees out collecting nectar for the winter. That is their sense of purpose. They do that day in and day out without question and without hesitation.

My purpose is to help those who are ready and seek to achieve a level of health & fitness of the whole person, so they can lead a high quality life well into their marginal decade.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ Pablo Picasso

deep human connections

#7 - Deep Human Connection

The last of the 7 healthy life style needs is Deep Human Connection.

We humans are social animals. We’re designed to thrive when we are connected with each other.

I chose to put this Bedouin woman whose name I do not even know for the feature photo, because we established a connection without understanding each other’s languages.

She offered me her bread with hand gestures and I took it and thanked her by giving her my thumb up and smiling and nodding. It showed that we can connect with anyone, when we have an open heart, are curious, and are willing to share.

I feel fortunate that I’ve been able to make deep connections with some of  my mentors, teachers, fellow A-Festers, and coaches whom I met virtually through the programs I completed and in person on my trips to Jordan and Estonia this year.

Sharing is key to establishing a deep connection with others, whether it’s knowledge, insights, ideas, experiences, or the tangible. It is how humans have progressed and evolved to be a thriving species on planet Earth.

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