People Behind the “Seen”

People Behind the "Seen"

As most of us gear up the preparation for Thanksgiving in Canada during the abundance of the Fall Harvest with our family and friends, it is a time to remind ourselves of all the people who contribute to our daily lives without being seen. 

Especially for so many of us who have not gone through wars or famine or natural disasters. 

And for those of us who get to spend Thanksgiving in the comfort of our own homes. 

Where did electricity come from?

Have you ever wondered how electricity gets delivered into our home, for example?

Who works or is on call at the power plants, gas plants, hospital, gas station, fire station, police station when we are eating and enjoying the celebration with our family and friends?

How did the food get to the grocery stores for us to purchase? 

Who grew our food? 

Who transported the food to the stores?

What about the coffee you get from your local coffee shop? 

Who grew the coffee beans that end up in your local coffee shop and on store shelves?

Who grew the coffee beans and where?

Who made the clothes we wear?

How did all these things get delivered to our homes and stores, especially if they come from somewhere overseas?

Who flew the cargo planes? 

Who directed the container ships?

Where did the construction materials come from, like concrete, wood floors, tiles, and more? Who made them?

Who cleans the office buildings at the end of the day, once you’ve left work?

Who is watching and ensuring that our water treatment is doing what it’s supposed to?

Who is cleaning out our sewage system?

Who cleans our sewage system?

It is so easy for us to take all the things for granted because we don’t see them every day.

Our modern conveniences came from all those people behind the ‘seen’.

I want to use this blog to thank you, the people behind the ‘seen’, for dedicating your time and energy to your roles to help make our daily lives smooth, easy, convenient, and safe.

If you have started to keep a gratitude journal, like I do, is there anyone else who you would add to this list?

Who else should we show our appreciation to?

Don’t forget to post in the comments below, and subscribe & share if it resonates with you.

2 thoughts on “People Behind the “Seen””

  1. The drivers of public transports.All kind of transports that make for the rest more easy the connections.The meditators than in silence visualising the manifestation of a better word. All the farmers who provide food for entire population. All the animals that are sacrifice for human consumption. So thanks to all 💕💕🙏 For a better world and social awareness

    • Wonderful list, Ishavel. Definitely all the people involved in transporting goods and people, farmers, animals who give their lives for ours, and all the people helping to raise the consciousness of human kind. Thank you for sharing! 💕💕💕

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