About Me

Holistic Nutrition, Health, and Fitness Coach
Nancy Yang Timmins - health & fitness coach

Your Personal Coach

Hello, my name is Nancy.

I am a holistic health coach and a Menopause Coaching Specialist, with a longevity- and evidence-based approach to nutrition, health, and fitness, especially for women in midlife.

I have helped my clients achieve success in areas of:

  • Losing weight and fat
  • Gaining muscle and strength
  • Minimizing hair loss
  • Mitigate & manage peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Becoming more insulin resistant
  • Increasing energy
  • Following Viome food and supplement recommendations
  • Discovering what is sabotaging progress
  • Building healthy eating and exercising habits
  • Managing stress and recovery

I chose Follow the Jade Rabbit for my website, because the Jade Rabbit is a longevity symbol in the Chinese culture and the legend resonated with me.

The story of the Jade Rabbit reflects to me the qualities that I seek to emulate for myself. It has inspired me to live a healthy, high-functioning, purposeful life, and to help others do the same.

Nancy Yang Timmins -BeforeandAfter
Me before and after my health & fitness transformation

My Story

Before becoming a coach, I was a stay-at-home mom of two for 17 years.

Like many sandwich generation families, our life was like an incessant running on a hamster wheel.

The COVID outbreak gave me a chance to catch my breath finally.

I was able to look inward and re-evaluate what was important to me and my life. 

I used the opportunity to dive deep into various personal growth programs and completed certifications that have helped me personally and my family.

Positive Changes

I also became more aware of the profound impact my emotions, words, and actions can have on those around me and noticed the connections we human beings have with each other and with every organism on Earth.

The positive changes that I have experienced physically, emotionally, cognitively, and energetically compelled me to share what I have learned, a feeling that I never had before.

I never pictured myself as a coach.

The advent of the internet has had an enormous impact on our lives.

It has enabled us to learn and work right from the comfort of our own homes.

At the same time, it was a frightening place because everything we put forth would forever be digitally recorded.

“What if I make a mistake?” I asked myself.


Nancy Yang Timmins doing barbell Shoulder Press
Nancy Yang Timmins-meditation

The Jade Rabbit Story

When I completed my health certifications, I knew nothing about starting a coaching practice initially, until my desire to share pushed through and urged me to act. 

While I was planning out the format and the name for the blog, I was, by chance, brought back to the Jade Rabbit (JR) story from my childhood.

Re-reading it and finally understanding JR’s motivation to stay on the moon all these years gave me clarity on the lessons pertaining to my life. 

  1. Be grateful for what I am given at every moment of my life.
  2. Discover and know my higher purpose in life.
  3. Focus on my close relationships.
  4. Recognize that I am not alone.
  5. Show up and play full out.

Being grateful was the key to unlocking my life’s purpose. I have kept a gratitude journal for over 3 years now.

Gratitude Practice

It has allowed me to be more present, appreciate everyone and everything around me, and know that no matter the size of my contribution, it makes a difference to someone somewhere.

I have experienced more joy and tranquility in my life. 

I am grateful to all my mentors and fellow coaches for the tools & practices that I have learned and incorporated into my life.

I’m grateful for my students and clients’ trust in me. Being able to serve has also contributed to my personal well-being and growth.

I feel continuously supported by my new global tribe, of whom I met through the certifications I’ve been involved in.

You get to meet some of them on my blog, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Nancy Yang Timmins in Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia, 2022 - 1 1/2 years since practicing the 10X Method
meditation pose- NancyYangTimmins - Follow the Jade Rabbit

A Supportive Community

The only request I have of you is to consider three things before you start reading, as I am sharing something private and personal on the world wide web:

  1. Please reserve all judgements. We are often our own harshest critics.
  2. Whatever is said here stays here.
  3. Please keep an open mind. Let us support and learn from each other for as long as we can.

I am always learning and have many questions about life and the universe. I hope you will help me find the answers to my questions. 

Here is my first question to you.

  • What does gratitude mean to you?

To me, it is thanks and appreciation. They go hand in hand. I try to say thanks and show my appreciation whenever I can, even when others are unaware of what they did was meaningful to me.

Do you also keep a gratitude journal?

Has it, too, made a difference in your life?

I cannot wait to hear your thoughts and share what I am grateful for in my life.

My Reasons for

Becoming A Holistic Health Coach

▪The 10X Fitness protocol and the HoloBody method helped me transform my body in less than one year, which is shorter than all my previous years at the gym.

▪The Food Matters holistic nutrition  principles helped me realize what we eat and what’s in our environment play such a significant role in our overall health and disease prevention.

▪What I learned not only benefited me, but also my family.

▪I have become more attuned to my body’s needs and understand its signals.

▪The 10X Fitness resistance training protocol is simple, effective, and easy to remember.

▪ The Viome Full Body Intelligence Test took out the guesswork in what foods and supplements are truly beneficial for my specific microbiome.

▪Help people understand:

  1. Different levels of health and fitness.
  2. Food can be our medicine and help us heal.
  3. Total health encompasses physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual well-being.
  4. Importance of identifying the root causes of illnesses rather than treating only the symptoms.
  5. What it means to perform a quality workout.
  6. The latest technology that can help us know exactly what our individual Super foods are and catch and prevent diseases before they manifest as symptoms.
  7. The interconnectedness of our micro-biome (within our body) and the macro-biome (in our environment).
  8. The mind-body connection & the gut-brain axis – that everything is inter-related.
  9. Resistance training is key in preventing loss in muscle mass and strength, preserving our functional ability as we age, and decreasing our morbidity years in our later lives.

My 10X Fitness Challenge

1-year transformation - Nancy Yang Timmins
Before and After 10X 6X Alpha- Nancy Yang Timmins

Before My Health Transformation

  • A stay-at-home mom of 17 years and an active volunteer in the community
  • Only started resistance training at the age of 42
  • Scoliosis & years of Chronic back pain 
  • Tight on time with both kids in competitive sports and a husband who travelled frequently
  • Created my own workout program after having a trainer for almost a year
  • Time in the gym increased from 2-3 days/week to 5-6 days/week and felt guilty and stressed about time spent in gym
  • The time I put in didn’t equate to the results I was getting and hoping for
  • Suffered from peri-menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, terrible sleep quality, hair loss, dry skin & rashes, brain fog
Before and After 10X 6X Alpha- Nancy Yang Timmins

After My Health Transformation

  • More energy. Great sleep.
  • No more peri-menopausal symptoms
  • Take on other activities and sports with ease, like yoga and hiking, and can hike in a fasted state and experience less soreness
  • No more guilt: 2 core workouts a week in a total of 30 minutes and less
  • Can workout at home or at the gym. Total flexibility
  • Understand more the roles that protein, fats, and carbohydrates play in our body
  • Rarely experience any back pain that requires professional treatment
  • Decrease in body fat percentage and change in body composition and shape
  • Increase in muscle mass, strength, and symmetry
  • Manage stress easily 
Nancy Yang Timmins - Scoleosis
Compare Normal Spine to Mine (with scoleosis)

My Scoliosis Journey

This is my DEXA scan result, done in the end of February 2022.

You can see clearly that I have curvature in my spine, when you compare it to what ‘normal’ spine looks like on the left.

I suffered from chronic back pain since the age of 29, before I started on my 10X and holistic health journey.

Seeing a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a Physio, and even an Acupuncturist was a regular part of my life.

I no longer need to see them on a regular basis. When I did see my massage therapist, it was for a treat.

I have realized that we need to be in partnerships with our health care team and it starts with us taking responsibility over our own health first.

My Parents

I got them started on resistance training with a trainer at the gym during the pandemic, even though they don’t live in the same city as me.

They were at the ages of 68 & 69 with no previous strength training experience. 

I coached them remotely on nutrition and exercise for 6 months. My mom greatly reduced her diabetes and high blood pressure medications.

My dad, who had 2 back surgeries during the pandemic, resumed his golf game after training with me and is winning in his age group regularly.

They learned how food can be medicine and how important strength training was as one aged.

Nancy's mom - Follow the Jade Rabbit
My mom executing 10X Alpha in the gym
Nancy's 2 grandmas - Follow the Jade Rabbit
Left: my Maternal Grandma; Right: my Paternal Grandma

The Tale Of My Two Grandmas

My maternal grandma passed away peacefully in her sleep in 2021 at the age of 103 in Taiwan. She was given the Centenarian Award in the photo. 

She always lived simply and ate mostly whole foods. She even rode her bicycle around town until she broke her hip at 96. Even with a walker, she was fiercely independent and seldom relied on others for anything.

My paternal grandma, who was half paralyzed from multiple strokes for more than 20 years, passed away at 91 in December 2023.

The main difference is that she never cared about eating healthy; the saucier, tastier, sweeter, and more refined the better. She also did not like to move. 

Their examples showed me that with a longer life expectancy these days, it’s the quality of our life, leading up to our Marginal Decade, that will define how we live the last years of our life.