My Greatest Supporter

I thought about making the first entry about my mentors, my immediate family, and even all the designers for the Jade Rabbit logo and my website. Their support and help led to the creation of this blog. I typed & revised repeatedly. I just felt that I was missing something. Then I finally realized that I forgot the biggest supporter of them all. That was MY BODY. Wait!

Before you leave the blog and think that I have gone coo-coo, let me explain– think about it!

Since birth, who has been there for us, and even before birth as an embryo?

Who has grown and learned with us all these years through life’s lessons?

Who has been there to share our laughter, sadness, wins, losses, and will be there until the last moment of our life?

It is our physical body.

14-week old embryo in utero
14-week human embryo, at Real Bodies, Bally’s, Las Vegas, Nevada

Yes, it was my mind that came up with the name for the blog.

But if it were not because of my physical body, I would not be able to take action to set it up, read with my eyes and become familiar with the blog formats, and sit in front of my laptop and type. 

Our body has taken various abuses from us and our minds through the years.

We do not always provide it with the best fuel sources and the best self-talks. Some of us even hate our bodies.

Yet it is always there for us through thick and thin.

We are more aware of the importance of mental health these days, but we should not be quick to forget that the basis for everything we do is sound physical health.

Parts of a car
Image source – Full Service Auto Repair

Our body is like a car.

Depending on the type of car it is, the kind and the amount of fuel it requires are different.

Our car takes us from point A to point B and goes on long-distance trips.

It requires regular maintenance, washing, and cleaning.

It needs updates, to the GPS or software, from time to time so we have the latest and most accurate information to adapt to the ever-changing traffic and road condition.

It also requires rest, as you cannot have a hot engine running forever. 

Do we treat our body like how we treat our car, though?

Do we give it the type of fuel required, or do we fill it with whatever is available?

Do we stretch, move, or work out regularly to keep our bodies going in the most optimal condition?

Or do we push our body to the maximum and not give it the proper rest and recovery it needs? 

Without our bodies, we would not be able to go from point A to point B.

We also would not be able to ‘experience’ everything that this beautiful planet has to offer through the five senses of our body.

That is why, to me, our body is our biggest supporter.

I did not always treat my body well in the past.

However, because the pandemic shut down many activities, I had time to slow down and learn more about my body and pay more attention to its needs.

I can honestly say that I eat whole foods most of the time now. I do not drink alcohol.

I also exercise every day, whether it’s simply a walk, yoga, or resistance training. It is not because I want my body to be or look a certain way.

It is because what we don’t use, we lose. Did you know we start to lose our muscle mass and strength at 30? 

Seniors doing resistance training photo. Image sourced from Cleveland Clinic.

At 46 (the time of writing this), I am in the best shape and physical condition of my life.

It makes me feel good that I can provide my body with what it needs.

This “maintenance program” that I am on & created from all the programs and certifications that I have completed helps it stay and operate at the most optimal condition for as long as I can.

I no longer push my body. Instead, I listen to it and am grateful that now we have the best relationship ever.

Do you agree that our body is our biggest supporter? What do you do to take care of your physical body each day?

6 thoughts on “My Greatest Supporter”

  1. Beautiful website, Nan! Congratulations on completing all your certifications and your website!!! I can see you had put a lot of heart work and hard work into creating all that. AWESOME WORK!!!

    Love your analogy of your body as your unique car and biggest supporter. We really don’t thank our body enough and listen to it enough, in my opinion. I am glad you’re reminding us. Your body, my body thank you!!!

    • Hi Lisa,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog and to comment. Most of us take our body for granted and forget to recognize all the work that it does for us, without us thinking about it, like breathing, heart beating, digesting, and etc. We really need to treat it with respect. I would love to hear your tips on how you take care of your body too. Please share. 🙂

  2. Thank you Nan I send gratitude to you for be there in this world . It is a gift to have meet you. You have clarify to me the reason why the beautiful rabbit is at the moon. Love this rabbit and always i am looking at him when moon is full. Now you are also part of my life and always when I look at the rabbit i will remember you and the meaning of the story .The Jade is the stone for perseverance and wisdow. It represents your qualities too.

    • Hi Ishavel, so happy to hear that you also see the rabbit on the moon, especially during full moon. That is what I always see when I look up at the moon too. Not sure if it was because of my affinity for the Jade Rabbit. 🙂

      I didn’t know what Jade symbolized: perseverance and wisdom. Now I know. It is a great reminder for me to continue down the path I’ve chosen. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thank you, Dawn-Angela! You are one of those who has inspired me too with all the charity work that you do, as well as teaching and creating all the beautiful artwork that you do.

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