Health Coaching Services

Holistic Nutrition, Health, & Fitness
Coaching Services

Fat Loss & Weight Management

  • Key Biomarker Assessment
  • Nutritional Guidance
  • Fat Loss Strategies
  • Lifestyle Design & Maintenance

Exercise Program

  • 10X Fitness Protocol
  • Gain strength, build muscle and lose fat
  • Workout performance feedback
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Home or gym routine or both
  • Remote and in-person facilitation
Machine Seated Row

Stress Management

  • Identify the Root Sources of Stress
  • Stress Relieving Strategies
  • Emotional Well-Being Practices
  • Stress Prevention 

Holistic Health

  • Roadmap to develop lifelong health, fitness, & longevity
  • Elevate the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the person
  • External environment optimization
  • Science-based approach

Women's Health

  • Specializing in peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause health
  • Hormonal balance
  • Nutrition & fitness guidance at different phases of the monthly cycle
  • Nutritional needs at different stages of the female reproductive years and beyond
  • Pelvic floor strengthening exercises

Habit Formation & Implementation

  • Visualization tools
  • Tracking tools
  • Customized journaling practice

Longevity with Nancy(LWN) Signature Programs

Longevity with Nancy Signature Programs
Nancy's Fat Loss, Strength Building, and Menopause-centric programs

To find out more about all other programs I offer or how my programs can help with your specific health challenges and/or fitness targets, click on Program Inquiry below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Food Matters principles

What are the Food Matters Principles?

  • They are based on the power of nutrition and the belief that you are what you eat.
  • It is a holistic approach to nutrition on how we can help our body heal itself.
  • It emphasizes prevention over crisis intervention and seeks to improve overall health rather than simply treating a symptom.
  • It recognizes the importance of biochemical-individuality.
  • The certification is recognized by the International Approval and Registration Centre (IARC).

Who can benefit from this holistic nutrition approach?

Men/Women who want to:

  • improve and optimize their diet to their body’s needs
  • use food and plants to enhance their healing process
  • know when and where to use superfoods
  • help their body’s natural detoxification process and how to take it a step further
  • heal their gut and gut microbiome
  • decode hormones and imbalances
  • boost their immunity
  • understand more about the impact of our nutrition on moods, emotions, physiology, cognition, chronic diseases and cancer

What are the concepts incorporated into the Longevity with Nancy Signature Programs?

  • Fundamentals of a nourishing diet
  • Refined grains vs. whole grains and their alternatives
  • Herbs & spices and their roles in healing
  • Healthy fats and oils
  • Modern meats, meat alternatives, and sustainability
  • Chemicals and additives
  • Reading food labels
  • Energy density vs. nutrient density
  • Adequate hydration & water quality
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Simple & easy recipes
  • Environmental toxicity and what to watch out for
  • Hormone disruptors
  • Thyroid health
  • Essential Oils & their healing power
  • Pre-biotics and probiotics
  • Enhanced external detox protocols
  • and more, depending on your needs and questions asked throughout the programs duration.
holistic approach to health

What is the HoloBody method?

  • The HoloBody Method is to transform your body into the full expression of what it wants to become.
  • It is a holistic approach to health that looks at the various internal and external systems that affect a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
  • The certification is accredited by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC).

Who can benefit from holistic health coaching?

Men/Women who:

  • want to feel better, healthier, and have more energy overall but do not know where to start
  • suffer from a form of chronic illnesses, like heart disease or insulin resistance.
  • experience high stress and hormone imbalance.
  • have yo-yo dieted and are looking for a long-term solution.
  • suffer from brain fog.
  • want to change their lifestyle.
  • are looking for nutritional guidance.
  • want to optimize performance and energy.
  • And, women who want to optimize their training and live better according to their cycle. 

What are examples of the sytems that affect our health?

  • Physical activity ex. regular exercise or sedentary
  • External environment ex. office cubicle, or city vs. country
  • Human physiology ex. gut microbiome
  • Food intake and food access ex. what do you actually eat, and do you have access to fresh & whole foods
  • Social psychology ex. family, friends, etc.
  • Our beliefs and thoughts

How are the program sessions conducted?

  • They are done in the comfort and privacy of your own home or anywhere you travel to via an online meeting platform.
  • Depending on the program, it is either a weekly or biweekly coaching session for an hour.
  • At each session, I coach you through challenges you are facing with steps, tools, and practices that you can implement right away.
10X Fitness

What is 10X Fitness?

  • A longevity-based muscle-centric total fitness program designed to help people build and maintain their muscle and strength.
  • Can be completed in 15 minutes or less 1-2 times a week.

What Type of Fitness Will I Be Doing?

  • A HIIT resistance training protocol
  • Essentially 6 movements (Alpha routine) that target all 5 of our major muscle groups.
  • These are done to volitional fatigue in a circuit fashion.
  • There are also Home & Gym Beta and Gamma routines that target the smaller muscles.

Who is 10X Fitness for?

  • All ages, youth to senior, men and women
  • All fitness levels
  • People who are short on time
  • People who are experiencing muscle and bone loss
  • People who want to maintain and expand their choices of activities
  • Athletes who want to build a foundation that will enhance their current exercise program

Where Can I Do 10X Fitness?

  • It can be done at home or at the gym.
  • Remote or in-person facilitation.
Certified Viome Nutrition Coach and affiliate

What is Metatranscriptomics?

  • It measures the RNA activities (the gene expression) in our microbiome.
  • It helps us to know the composition and the activity of the microbiome so that we know it is moving us closer to a state of health.

What are the different types of tests offered by Viome?

  • Full Body Intelligence Test
  • Gut Intelligence Test
  • Oral Health Intelligence Test
  • CancerDetect Oral & Throat Test

Who can take the Viome tests?

Anyone who is a/an
  • Data lover
  • Athlete
  • Health coach
  • Wanting to maintain health
  • Improving physical performance
  • Chronic sufferer
  • Struggling with symptoms
  • Citizen scientist

How long do I follow Viome's recommendations?

  • The recommended checking in with a retest is every 4-6 months.
  • The supplement formulas and/or blends will be updated when you retest if necessary.

My Clients Get...

  • A customized plan to individual needs
  • Strength & muscle gain and maintenance, fat loss, menopausal symptoms mitigation and management
  • Remote or in-person facilitation
  • Nutritional target setting
  • Precision nutrition tailored to your microbiome needs when it fits your budget
  • A detailed diagnostic report from your coach at the end of LWN Fat Loss, Optimus Strength, Meno-Well, and 6-month immersive one-on-one programs
  • Direct feedback on your every workout
  • Weekly or biweekly coaching calls with your coach, depending on program
  • Simple and actionable steps to get you started and stay consistent with the program(s)
  • Energy balance habits implementation
  • A better relationship with your body
  • A partner in your health transformation journey!

Health Consultation Call

Please complete the service inquiry form here if you are interested in my programs and services, prior to a health consultation call with me.