Soul Supporters – Part II

MV 10X Coaches-Anthony, me, Paresh, Ishavel, Eliot, Aranxta, Aviram, Cindy, _ Yuri
MV 10X Coaches - Anthony, me, Paresh, Ishavel, Eliot, Aranxta, Aviram, Cindy, and Yuri at Super Coach event in Tallinn, Estonia

Soul supporters – Part II

Another one of my soul supporters is Olga, who lives in the same town as I.

We met during the HoloBody Certification process.

She is a Radiation Therapist and has 3 children under the age of 8.

Life at this stage is busy, as you can imagine.

She openly shared her struggle with her weight.

She was aware of her pattern of going full out for 6 weeks with every program she was on and when she didn’t see any significant results, she would stop.

She volunteered to give her ‘case’ to be coached by our teacher, Ronan Diego de Oliveira, in front of all of us during the program.

Her willingness to be vulnerable resonated with many and benefited all of us.

We realized that achieving and having great health was not a race.

It was a constantly evolving process, not just something that we did for 3 months and be done with.

Olga was also giving and generous.

Before we met, she had already been on this self-discovery and self-growth journey for many years.

She had a wealth of knowledge about starting one’s practice and had coached many in relations to transforming his/her mindset and to becoming more attuned to his/her higher purpose.

In our local coaching pod, she was always ready to lend a hand and provide her experience and insights.

When I was looking for a pro bono client during the 10X Certification process, Olga immediately piped up and volunteered to be my coachee.

I learned so much during our coaching sessions together.

Olga asked a lot of tough but pertinent questions.

She posed a few challenges that I had to take time to think about.

I saw how, as moms, we tended to focus our care and attention on others before ourselves.

We prioritized our family’s needs before ours.

We were always doing.

We all knew the importance of rest and recovery, but it was difficult to do, especially during the early stages of our children’s lives.

Our sleep would most certainly be interrupted.

But we persisted on.

With some of the issues that she was experiencing physically, I also learned how best to modify the movements to the ones that would work for her.

Her sedentary type of work environment and the constant commute between work, school, child-care, kids’ extracurricular activities, and home, made time a limited commodity.

It motivated me to find ways that could help her to move more.

After our coaching sessions ended, she graciously provided a video testimonial for me to put on my website and even referred her own husband to be my first paying client.

Olga, thank you for challenging and motivating me so I can be a better & better coach each time.

Olga, fellow HoloBody Coach

I want to acknowledge another soul supporter, Esther, who lives in Newfoundland.

Esther is 70 years of age and a retired music teacher.

She is from the Netherlands originally and has been living in Canada for more than 20 years.

We met through our Mindvalley Pro Mastermind group in 2021.

When I mentioned that I was looking for pro bono clients during my 10X Certification Process, she jumped right on board without hesitation.

She was always punctual and fully participated at our Mastermind monthly calls.

She was open and encouraging to all in the group.

I particularly loved her sense of adventure, especially when she told me of all the places that she has lived in Canada and has visited worldwide.

She was a very independent woman as well.

Because she lives in Newfoundland and I live in Ontario, our 10X coaching sessions were done online via Zoom as well as What’s App messages.

She was diligent and organized.

Although she was not familiar with a lot of the new technology, she asked questions and had everything set up and purchased before our first official call.

She executed her first 10X Routine well and recorded it flawlessly in one shot.

I did not have to make too many corrections at all.

What was most inspiring of all was her complete optimism and enthusiasm towards life.

She fell and broke her hip during one of her daily walks.

We had to put a pause to the 10X program after only 2 coaching sessions, as she was in the hospital for surgery.

She recovered well after surgery and soon she was sent home from the hospital.

She also followed the rehabilitation program prescribed by the doctor and her physio therapist.

She sent me videos of her walking with her friends with a walker and then with a cane.

I could not be any prouder of her effort and cheery attitude.

I heard laughter in her videos all the time.

She taught me to look at things always on the bright side and to enjoy life as much as we can, and to have supportive friends around us.

I think that was how she recovered so fast.

I’m resuming the 10X Coaching sessions with her in September again, as she has returned to her normal physical condition now and even better than  before her surgery.

I look forward to our fun adventure together, Esther!

Esther, smiling and laughing with her walker

Another person who I consider my soul supporter is Ishavel.

Ishavel is from Spain originally and has lived in India for more than 20 years.

She went to India in search for deeper meaning in her life and studied under 3 master gurus, one of whom included Sadhguru.

She was someone who had no resistance training knowledge or exposure prior to the certification.

She lives in rural India and so stable internet access was hard to come by, and yet she made it to every live call we had.

She had many challenges in setting up her ‘home gym’ because of the limited access to what she was able to get in rural India.

She also had challenges fulfilling her macronutrient requirements, because sometimes it was just too hot to eat and protein access was not readily available where she lived.

Yet, she took everything in stride and completed the program with a smile.

Because she saw her body transforming in front of her own eyes, she was actively taking people through the 10X workout for free during the certification.

She was calm, full of joy, and had a deep sense of appreciation for life when we had our first peer coaching call.

We enjoyed each other’s company so much that we ended up being hotel roommates when we attended the Super Coach event in Tallinn, Estonia this July.

She has such a kind heart, a genuine concern for people, and wants to help as many people as she can.

Some of her clients now are in their 70’s, 80’s and there’s even a 90-year-old gentleman.

Her example showed me that there was no limit to whom we could help as coaches, when we came from a place of genuine care and love.

Thank you for being my cheerleader always, Ishavel.

Ishavel & I at our hotel in Tallinn, Estonia