Soul Supporters – Part III

My mentors with Arantxa & I for the Selfless Leader Award (L-R): Me, Vishen, Ronan, Arantxa, Ajit, and Lorenzo

Soul supporters – Part III

There are many more of my soul supporters whom I would love to recognize but that would make this blog way too long.

However, there is one group of soul supporters that I absolutely must mention.

They are the 10X Coaches who joined my Mastermind group post graduation.

I approached them because they shared so generously and helped many in need throughout the certification process, without looking for anything in return.

More importantly, they inspired me to be better.

Lawrence is part of that Mastermind group of course.

There was Chantale, from Quebec, who set up a study group in the beginning when a lot of us were struggling with information overload from the program.

She freely shared her Zoom link for our Mastermind Group to use whenever we needed to meet.

She also offered her accounting expertise to anyone who may need help in that department when setting up our business.

Then there was Arantxa, from Spain. She is a single mom of 2, a former athlete, and a life-long artist.

She has also been a life coach for a long time.

She was 59 when she started the 10X Coaching Certification program.

She celebrated her 60th recently in August.

She would motivate us by showing us videos of how she incorporated movements in her day and how much joy she was having with the myriads of activities she partook in.

She was a great example of someone living her life to the fullest.

And then, there was Paresh, from the UK.

He was on a spiritual path for many years and realized that he had not taken as much care of his physical body as he should have.

He related his personal experience with the 10X workout to the insights received from his spiritual journey and eloquently expressed how he overcame certain challenges, in a way that was easy for all of us to understand.

He was stuck in Italy for weeks during the certification process because of the lockdowns.

He continued on with the 10X workout as best as he could and inspired his Italian host to take up 10X at the same time.

Lawrence, Chantale, Arantxa, and Paresh

There was also Dennis, from India, who is also a guitar teacher.

With nearly 1000 people registered to go through the 10X Coaching Certification program initially, Dennis took the time to go through people’s posts when they had questions to ask the group.

I felt my spirit elevated each time I read his responses to fellow coaches.

I still don’t know how he managed to answer each question with such detail and heart-felt response, when he was experiencing some personal hardships himself.

I really appreciated all your encouraging and soul-lifting comments, Dennis.

Then there was Bruno, from Portugal.

He is a football (soccer) coach working in China.

He was literally trapped for months inside his apartment in Shanghai when we were going through our certification.

He did all his workouts at home and showed us that one could still achieve results with limited home equipment.

He was always in the 10X Coaching community lending his expertise as well, since his background was in Sport Physiology.

We also had Claudia, from Columbia, whose job was in the Innovation sector.

She started sharing with us how she was helping her clients, paying ones, early on in the program.

Yes, paying ones!

She said that people knew her as someone who would only get involved in something she believed in, as well as something that was cutting edge.

They also saw her looking healthier and fitter.

Everyone around her was curious and wanted to know what she was doing.

We got to learn from her experience of coaching real-life clients, such as how to work with pregnant women, people who were obese, people who didn’t even realize that they were borderline diabetic, and more.

It was so uplifting each time she shared her client story with us.

There was also Stephanie, from France and now living in the UK.

She shared her dramatic transformation from being overweight to having 6 packs at the end of her HoloBody & 10X Coaching Certifications journey.

She also overcame her Vulvodynia, which is crippling pain in the genital area, in the process, which she documented and shared with us generously.

Truly inspiring and motivating.

Dennis, Bruno, Claudia, and Stephanie

There was Aaron in his 20’s and an autodidact.

He was from the Netherlands and is living in Germany.

He asked poignant questions about how to ‘sell himself’ as he was young and had no previous coaching experience.

We got to watch a role play between him and our teacher, Lorenzo.

So fun and totally applicable.

We also learned that getting clients was not so much about selling but more about attracting.

We would attract clients to us when we focused on improving ourselves first and led by example.

There was Kim, from Minnesota USA, a nurse and a mom of 2.

She shared her insight of what she had seen in her 20 years of being a critical care nurse and the common issues and challenges her patients faced.

She believed that the 10X and HoloBody methods would be able to help most of her patients.

We were even more motivated after seeing how much impact we could have on patients while alleviating the pressure on our current health-care system, especially when most of our health care workers are facing burnout from the pandemic.

There were also a couple of late comers to the group.

One of them was Patrick.

He is a father of 2, a tri-athlete, and a volunteer coach to local hockey teams.

He shared how the 10X program really helped him with his training for the triathlon and his volunteer role.

He was able to incorporate what he learned from 10X to create a training program that would help the hockey teams in his area.

The other coach is Andreas, who will become a father in December this year (2022).

He was very good at adopting and using the latest technology and software.

His design for our group’s logo won our unanimous approval.

Aaron, Kim, Patrick, and Andreas

Our group, the 10X Fitness Global Alliance are the founding members to our LinkedIn group, 10X Coaches Global, which is open to all graduated 10X Coaches.

Our vision is to continue to help fellow graduates in their coaching practices by providing workshops & seminars related to any questions or challenges they may encounter with clients or themselves, and to simply provide an encouraging and supportive environment for all of us to thrive.

After all, our common vision is to help people live a longer, healthier, and happier life.

I have so many soul supporters whom I have not been able to include in this blog.

They are my extended family members, Mindvalley mentors, members, & staff, and fellow HoloBody & 10X coaches, A-Festers around the world, my pro bono clients who put their faith in me when I first started my coaching practice, and people whom I’ve outsourced the help from.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by people who uplift and inspire me all the time.

My life’s journey is all the more colourful, joyful and adventurous because of you.

Thank you.

More Soul Supporters...

Mindvalley Toronto Tribe
Toma, our HoloBody & 10X Live Call facilitator and I in Tallinn, Estonia
Ishavel, Bal, me, Jagoda: MV Coaches in Tallinn
MV tribemates: Me, Ibtehal, Annika, and David in Tallinn
MV 10X & Business Coaches in Tallinn: Eliot, Ramona, Chirag, Jacqueline
Fellow 10X Coaches: Corey, Aaron, and I in Tallinn
My HoloBody Mastermind friends: Genevieve(Quebec), Luciana(South Africa), and Andre(NYC) - Photo by Lauri Iaan in Tallinn
Fellow Toronto HoloBody Coaches: Me, Sophie (from France), and Amina (HoloBody Mastermind friend)
Wendy - my web designer
Judy – my pro bono client who is also a breast cancer survivor