Client Success Stories



Results I Have Helped Create

Nancy's client's 12-week Optimus Strength program results
*Click on photo to watch Esther's Video Testimonial

Esther, 69 - Mom & Retired Music Teacher

Stephenville, NL Canada

Before the LWN-Optimus Strength program* with Nancy, I would go for my walks and I would only be able to last for about 20 minutes.

Now I go for my morning walk first thing in the morning and then I do another longer afternoon walk for 45 minutes to an hour and have no problem at all.

I feel so much stronger since the program ended. I walk upright with a bounce in my steps now and have lots of energy. I also went from the home workouts to joining YMCA to continue my workouts, because it is so simple. I’m in and out of the gym in 15 minutes.

I thought I was eating the right things and was conscious of my food choices. But Nancy helped me realize what I was consuming too much of and what I was not eating enough.

I had hip issues and broke my femur in the spring of 2022 during a walk, when I first signed on to work with Nancy. I got the most messages from Nancy during the time I was in the hospital and afterwards during recovery. She really cared!

I was so happy when we were finally able to resume the program together. It’s hard to change habits but she helped me to make these changes and stick to them.

When I travelled to Europe before to visit family, I would not be able to go very far and would feel tired quickly.

Now I feel like I can visit them with a backpack on my shoulders and walk for hours. My quality of life has changed and I feel like I can do a lot more things. I’m actually looking forward to the rest of my life now.

I want to be as healthy as I can be and so have signed up to do the LWN-Finesse Program with Nancy. It’s going to be a blast again because she is truly a fantastic teacher.

Nancy's client's 12-week Fat Loss program results
*Click on photo to watch Mary's Video Testimonial

Mary, 48 - Elementary School Teacher

Etobicoke, ON Canada

During the 12-week LWN-Fat Loss program* with Nancy, she helped me reflect on my behaviour, my lifestyle choices, and to relate differently to the choices I was making every day.

I came to the program with very high blood pressure and very high anxiety. She helped me realize the relationship between stress and food choices, understand more of my relationship with myself, why I was making these decisions, and the importance of movement and digestion.

She was a wonderful coach. I’ve gained a lot of inner success and sustained better habits.

Since the program ended, I’ve stayed consistent with my choices and incorporated really healthy choices into my life.

I feel really good. It’s all about how you feel right? You have to give in order for Nancy to come back to you as well. 

She is an incredible listener. I am excited to continue with Nancy & start a personalized program that is tailored to my current needs and challenges.

Nancy's client's 12-week Fat Loss program results

Karen, 24 - Performer

Scarborough, ON Canada

I did the 12-week LWN-Fat Loss program with Nancy. What I found upon finishing her program is that while fat loss was our goal – she was able to curate a program that looked at health as a whole and provided me with tools that benefitted many different aspects of my health holistically.

Due to my job, my day to day life is both extremely busy and often times quite high stress. To be honest I was very nervous before embarking on this health journey with Nancy as I was afraid to interrupt my routine and flow.

However, if this is also a concern of yours, then I cannot recommend Nancy enough as she was an extremely attentive listener to how my body was responding to the program to ensure that it was both manageable and sustainable to fit into my lifestyle.

Growing up an athlete and now being a professional dancer, health and fitness have always been extremely important to me but the knowledge gap I was missing was using general information on nutrition and dieting and being able to apply it to my own body.

I have always yo-yo diet’d and never have been able to properly understand how to lose weight sustainably.

That is the biggest piece of gold I am leaving from my time with Nancy. I learned a mountain of knowledge on my own body and where my body likes to store fat, where it loses it the fastest, the amount of calories it needs to lose weight, and which tools it responded to best.

Throughout the 12 weeks that Nancy and I were working together, I was undergoing a massive transitional phase in my life and was navigating many highly emotional and stressful situations.

While I went into this program seeking fat loss, what was an expected hidden gem about our time together were the other aspects of health that improved positively and helped support me through my rougher times.

Nancy gave me tools that helped improve my sleep, become more attentive to my inner stillness, and reflect on where I was at in my journey of both my career and life stage.

I highly recommend Nancy as a health coach to anyone who is seeking to improve any aspect of their health.

Throughout our time together she was nothing short of a kind, supportive, and incredibly genuine coach who cared deeply about helping her clients.

I couldn’t have been able to sustainably achieve the fat loss that I had on my own without her guidance, and also gained an unexpected toolbox for my overall health that I can continue to take with me even after our program had ended.

Olga's testimonial for Nancy Yang Timmins
*Click on photo to watch Olga's Video Testimonial

Olga, 43 - Mom & Radiation Therapist

Oakville, ON Canada

I signed up for the 10X Total Mastery Program (precursor to LWN-Optimus Strength Program) because I wanted to learn in-depth the knowledge behind what makes this an effective program.

With Nancy’s guidance and encouragement, I went beyond my old pattern of 6-week limitations. That was when I would usually give up and not continue.

She helped me realize how I sabotaged myself in this area, with unrealistic goals & expectations.

Because of my busy schedule with 3 kids, family, work, and catching COVID, I was not able to complete the Beta & Gamma routines included in the 10X Total Mastery Program.

However, I went right back on track with my 2 times a week 10X Alpha routine, even after the minor setbacks, during our time together.

Nancy helped me to find ways to incorporate more movements into my day. I have less pain, can walk better, can almost run up the stairs and keep up with my kids now.

Nancy is truly my partner in Health.

Judy Rickey

Judy Rickey, 52 - Mom, Entrepreneur & Business Owner

Hamilton, ON Canada

I met Nancy through the Mindvalley Pro Mastermind group. When she became a 10X coach, she asked if I wanted to try out the 10X Total Mastery program (precursor to LWN-Optimus Strength Program.)

I agreed and she told me more about it and the items I would need to purchase and how to track my progress.

We got started and I was recording my workouts for her to review. She was very good at explaining the correct forms and on giving alternative exercises I needed based on my body and injuries sustained from my mastectomy.

I am a breast cancer survivor. 

We met weekly online to go over the workouts and eating plan. Nancy also encouraged me to do the 3 mini-walks a day for energy balance. She sent me articles and information on different topics such as sleep and sugar so I could understand their effects better.

She brought a holistic perspective to our sessions and focused not just on diet and exercise.

Nancy was easy to talk to and checked in with me throughout the week. I have gotten stronger and able to lift heavier and heavier since finishing the 12-week program.

I have also maintained my 10X Alpha routine 2 times a week, even in my busy summer schedule. I am sure I will continue to get stronger as the time goes on. I have started losing some weight as well, although slowly.

I gained some back from my summer travels and vacations, but I know what to do now to get back on track. I even did 10X during my vacation. Nancy has extensive knowledge in both the home and gym version of the 10X routines. 

She has also shown me the Beta & Gamma routines. I am still doing the home version of the 10X Alpha, as it is what works for me at this moment and has become a part of my lifestyle.

Nancy is a wonderful, caring, and encouraging coach who is dedicated to her work and her clients. I believe that she is invaluable to anyone who is looking to transform their health.

Bob, 79 - Father & Hardware Store Employee

(Precursor to LWN-Fat Loss Program)

Oakville, ON Canada

Rob_s testimonial

Coaches I have trained - Recommendations on LinkedIn

LinkedIn recommendations for Nancy Yang Timmins

Milan S. - Productivity & Great-Being Coach

Munich, Germany

Client LinkedIn recommendation for Nancy Yang Timmins

Rich H. - 66, Life/Health/Business Coach

Ghent, Belgium

Client LinkedIn recommendation for Nancy Yang Timmins

Clara - Product Leadership & Business Coach

Prague, Czech Republic

Susan's testimonial for Nancy Yang Timmins

Susan W. - 51, Business Strategy Consultant

Salida, Colorado, USA

I loved working with Nancy. 

She is a great teacher, very educated, concise and encouraging. 

I think anyone would be lucky to train with her. 

Teresita Morales testimonial for Nancy Yang Timmins

Teresita, 40 - Mom & Business Exec

Markham, ON Canada

Nancy is someone who is always ready to share her knowledge to help people out!

Her journey and friendship are motivating and inspiring at the same time.

She is a great health manager as she has kept me accountable for my actions and guided me to find the right steps for me during our time together. 

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